Understand why CRM metrics make a difference in your business


Higor Lacerda


Workspace Management


October 13, 2022

Read Time:

4 minutes

Understand why CRM metrics make a difference in your business

For a coworking business, it is very important to maintain a good relationship with the client, and also to use good strategies to bring different universes closer to your business model. Thus, you can attract different aspects of work, offering, in addition to benefits, cultural and relationship connections.

Do you know what CRM is?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which can be understood as the management of customer relationships. It is a tool to manage the relationships between a company and its customers, whether current or future. With CRM, it is possible to maintain an integrated management system focused on the customer, with several integrated and organized processes.

By integrating all systems and contacts, you facilitate the management of customers, maintain good relationships and manage to send emails, news, and notices to everyone. That way, everyone stays connected and informed about all your coworking guidelines.

For this goal, it is important to adopt a strategy aimed at understanding customer needs and implementation in the company, integrating different sectors such as sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

A quick way to facilitate the CRM process is to acquire software that automates service, recording data, contacts, prospects, and closed contracts, among others. One of the goals of CRM is customer loyalty, a concept that goes beyond receiving benefits and advantages from a company.

Taking the first step of integration, you can profile your customers, understand what their main needs are, what their main demands are, and everything your coworking can help you with your processes. In this way, it is much simpler to predict any type of need that may arise for the client.

It is important to know that to introduce CRM in your business, everything happens gradually. The main point is to keep your database as consistent as possible, with as much data and characteristics as possible for each of your customers. This unified base will give you a greater background to make more assertive decisions that are aligned with the conduct of each work segment.

CRM can be divided into three parts:

Operational: relationship channels, where you can establish which fronts you want to operate. Email, message, groups, etc.

Analytical: sector that applies data and information analysis, identifying needs and tracking customer habits. This is where the importance of having a unified and solid database of your customers comes in. The analyzes will always be more accurate the greater the number of relevant information you will have about each one of them, and how each one disseminates its culture among its employees.

Collaborative: focused on obtaining customer value, based on knowledge and interaction. The biggest challenge in implementing CRM is to integrate the old systems with the company’s current ones, gathering all the customer information obtained from the most diverse sales channels, creating a single database, and making this material available to all the company’s departments.

Knowing these models, the next step is to understand these analyzes as strengths for their good performance and also points to improve. CRM management, if applied correctly and with good KPIs, can measure exactly how your coworking is being adhered to among your customers, as well as new insights for improvements.

What are management indicators?

Management indicators — also called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) — are indices that help measure the results of a company, an employee or a project in comparison with the business objectives.

Therefore, they must be aligned with development goals, such as customer retention. But, first of all, it is necessary to set some organizational goals to advance the KPIs.

Every management indicator needs to have some components. They are:

  • Alignment with your business objective;
  • Indication of the progress made over time, to know if you are reaching the expected goals;
  • Accurate and optimized data collection;
  • Systematized process of data collection, with insertion in a dashboard that provides clear visualization;
  • Definition of the levers that drive the metrics and, consequently, the results.

With these guidelines, you can set correct goals, with a good foundation for growth, retention, and improvements in your business. 

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