The importance of feedback for your brand


Higor Lacerda


Member Experience


October 20, 2022

Read Time:

3 minutes

The importance of feedback for your brand

In addition to helping to structure your business, feedback helps you to see in practice what are the highlights and areas for improvement in your brand. For this reason, we emphasize here the importance of clients’ opinions in building a brand for your coworking space.

Well-structured feedback can point out what are the immediate improvements to be made and also the strengths of your business. And for that, it is necessary to give autonomy, space, and security to customers, and open a constructive space for exchanges and suggestions that can make your brand the strongest among competitors.

Every decision is based on some assessment, whether positive or negative. Whatever the case, the fact remains that consumer research should be considered. After all, she is the one who will base your decision. Therefore, your coworking space can stand out more if it has good reviews. This leads to new bookings and, of course, increased revenue.

Have Google as your ally

Always keep your coworking on networks like Google Business so you have quick access to user reviews. In addition to Google, Facebook and Instagram are also tools where you can get access to what users are saying about your coworking space.

Clients must be always encouraged to honestly report the points about the workspace offered, so the reviews will be your allies for new implementations, ideas, and also possible handling of what is not positively impacting the shared workspace.

Always move your social networks with questions, and satisfaction forms and send emails encouraging clients to always respond to this type of action. They will be your main means of understanding what is performing well in the eyes of those who are enjoying coworking and using each of the spaces offered.

Earn the trust of your clients

For the marketing of your coworking space to be effective, it is necessary that, in addition to all the positive attributes, your clients believe in your business. You need to give them the space they need to feel heard when there is a complaint, and also when there is praise.

Both parties must listen, facilitating the implementation of improvements and also helping to highlight the strengths that are common to the users of your coworking space.

Encourage your clients

Rewarding with incentives is part of the policy that predicts gains for both parties. And so you also encourage your employees to always keep their voices up when it comes to fair feedback gathering.

In this scenario, motivating employees is not the exclusive responsibility of managers and the company. This result is, in fact, a consequence of a two-way street.

Provide a good environment

A coworking space already offers many positive attributes for the work environment, such as its innovations and characteristic architecture. Being able to offer all this combined with a pleasant dynamic, you can gain even more of the trust of clients and make the workplace an even more pleasant space for day-to-day life.

A good marketing strategy is also listening to who is by your side daily, enjoying the same shared workspace. Having multiple perspectives in one place further increases your chances of succeeding in your business, as strengths stand out and areas for improvement can be repaired even faster. 

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